What we do

What we do



"Together, determine to improve the circumstances of all people at risk or affected by Leprosy and other Neglected Tropical Diseases in Sri Lanka"


"Through the use of lean systems, committed to strengthen the mechanisms that combat the causes perpetuating Neglected Tropical Diseases. Thereby facilitate an empowered and complete life, by one and
by all"


FAIRMED's work in Sri Lanka has a long and detailed history dating back to 1981. Our desire to provide health care access for all people regardless of gender, social status, religious beliefs or political affiliations and enabling a better quality of life for the communities we work in has been a staple in the design and execution of our local programmes.


Building upon the platform set by the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the Ministry of Health, for the implementation of prevention and control of Leprosy, FAIRMED FOUNDATION Sri Lanka, has strived to work more closely with our partners in Sri Lanka to combat the issues that Leprosy poses, especially among the vulnerable and marginalised communities in the country until the end of 2021.


In June 2022, FAIRMED expanded services to improve the health and wellbeing of communities in the Northern Province. Under the MoU signed with the Chief Secretary of the Northern Province and with the support of Health authorities and District & Divisional Secretariats, Project ‘VAIHARAI’ was launched to provide services for the population affected by NTDs and for vulnerable groups.