Integrated screening in the Puwakgahaulpatha Village - Kottapitiya PHI Area, Elahara



An integrated screening programme for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) along with a dental clinic was conducted on 25th of July 2024 in the Puwakgahaulpotha village belonging to the Kottapitiya PHI Area in the Elahera Medical Officer of Health (MOH) Division. The screening programme was coordinated by the MOH staff and especially with Mr. Chamupathi Dharmasena who is the Public Health Inspector for the Kottapitiya area. The screening programme was conducted with the support of the Regional Epidemiologist, the Medical Officer of Health, 01 Dental Surgeon, 01 Public Health Nursing Sister, 04 Public Health Inspectors, 02 Public Health Midwives along with 03 supporting staff from the MOH office. The programme was supported by FAIRMED Sri Lanka.