About us



FAIRMED- previously known as Leprosy Relief Emmaus Switzerland – is a development organization based in Bern, Switzerland, that has been active since 1959.

In Sri Lanka, our local programmes are designed and carried out with the goal of enabling access to healthcare for everyone, regardless of gender, social status, physical disabilities or religious believes.

With determination and dedication, our team “FAIRMED Sri Lanka” is committed to making a difference in the lives of the marginalized population.

In 2021 the "DIVISARANA" project in Polonnaruwa was initiated, emphasising more on Community Based Rehabilitation, and implemented among the Divisional Secretary areas of Thamankaduwa, Hingurakgoda, Lankapura, Welikanda and Elahera.

Project ‘VAIHARAI’ was initiated in June 2022 and is implemented in the districts of Jaffna  and Kilinochchi in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.

FAIRMED FOUNDATION in Sri Lanka is the official Representative for the International Federation of Anti Leprosy Association (ILEP) and the Colombo office provides funds and technical backstopping for the projects.


Our Team

Meet the team behind FAIRMED Sri Lanka.